You're contracted to be here for the duration of the show. Babe. 촬영하는 동안에는 여기 있겠다고 계약했잖아
I have a relatively exciting desk analysis planned for the duration of the trip. 저는 먼지 분석을 계획 중이에요
And I really think you need to stay here. For the duration of your pregnancy. 그리고 임신 기간 동안 여기서 지내셔야 할 것 같아요
for the duration of the-- 치유 의식 동안요
Gentlemen, it's a pleasure the friends of our cherished star, admired by all of us, this outright jewel of our culture are naturally going to be under my personal protection for the duration of their stay. 선생님? 반갑습니다 유명 스타의 친구들은 우리 문화에서 다 존중하죠